Ten Work Habits to Boost Time Management Skills in Remote Work

Photo by Malvestida on Unsplash
Written by V. Kulikow
Time management can be a problem even when in a formal office such as a separate office building or a coworking space. Before cell phones, office coworkers, snack breaks, and the water cooler all contributed to losing time. But now with a communication and entertainment device with us 24/7, distractions from chatting with friends to playing an asynchronous game are a finger swipe away from taking our attention off of the work at hand.
In order to know which potential distractions to mitigate, you have to know what grabs your attention away from work. Some people do not have social media accounts or use them rarely so that would not be a distraction for them. However, maybe they text a few friends all day long, keeping up a conversation. Most distractions are phone or computer-based, but observing whether you work better in a busy environment like a cafe vs. a quiet area in a library is important, too. When working remotely this will help shape the structure of where you spend your day.
10 Positive Remote Work Habits
Turn off phone notifications
Turning your phone to airplane mode does not necessarily turn off all notifications you get through your phone. Airplane mode turns off cell reception so calls and texts will not make it through. It also cuts off your connection to any Wifi/cellular or Bluetooth connection to the internet. But any internal notifications you have set for your phone will still be delivered. Do not disturb settings will silence your phone even for notifications. Anti-distraction apps can help, too.
Wear noise-blocking headphones
This can help if your workspace is noisier than a gentle hum of activity. It can also help within a home office if neighbors are street noise is a distraction.
Clear your work area
Be sure there are no unfinished projects, books, games, or other electronic devices on the table with your laptop. Instead, decorate your area with calming items like houseplants and nature-based art. Both are proven to strengthen focus and reduce anxiety.
Stick to a schedule so your body and brain are in the habit of periods of work time. For many people scheduling work that requires intense focus is better accomplished in the morning hours. But there are night owls who complete their best work at the end of the day. Know which one you are.
Arrange care for young children
If working at home, arrange aftercare for children until you are able to shut your computer down and call it a day. Nothing interrupts the flow of work more than children needing help.
Take breaks
Hammering away on the same project can become tiresome. Be sure to take short breaks to get up and stretch, drink water, and clear your mind. You’ll be refreshed and ready to focus by the time you get back to your work space.
Set clear goals
This might require talking to a supervisor or your whole team. Having realistic expectations for output is important for managing stress and creating quality work.
Having a list of what must be completed in a day will help you realize which projects take priority and which tasks can be pushed off to a Friday afternoon.
Get enough sleep
Self-care is important. Oftentimes, we forgo sleep to catch up on work or family obligations. Sleep deprivation causes a host of issues including loss of focus and attention. Create a bedtime routine that allows you to get enough hours of rest.
Stock healthy snacks
It’s easy to grab sugary, caffeinated snacks at home which do not put body or mind in the best form for work. Purchase healthy snacks and moderate less nutritious treats. If eating becomes a go-to distraction, talk to a professional to find out the root cause and remedies.
At the end of the day, only you know how to set up a successful remote work environment where you can manage your time well. If you’re struggling, talk to friends in similar situations, because they might have solutions. And if you’re really struggling to stay focused talk to a professional. The isolation and difficulties of the pandemic years will not disappear overnight. Know when to reach out and get help.
posted on: 04 July, 2022